Thursday, August 13, 2020

Guest Blog Math. by Joy 13

Guest Blog Math. by Joy ‘13 I’m not a complete nerd…but I am convinced that math is a language. And it’s the only language that all of us in the world understand. it’s key elements are one of my favorite thingsâ€"numbers. Having that knowledge…we are almost like the people of Babylon. We are able to communicate successfully through this world using what we all know. Even though we have different “names” in our respective languages for our numbers…all around the world, we understand what it means, when that certain set of 10 digits is written out: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. And from this we can form different combinations using these digits to express a manner of things. For one, all this course 6 stuff is making me realize just how important binary relations are. It’s the way that our computers can interpret what we are trying to convey. In a sense, making it possible for us to make any word compressed down to numbers. Not only that, but numbers are very important to our form of communication. The web addresses we need to connect to is a composition of numbers. In general, when we need to get in contact with someone on the phone…we have a phone number. While we tend to not memorize those phone numbers as often anymore, there are still a few of the important ones engrained in our memory. And those ones in our memory are themselves based off the theory that we tend to chunk these by the amount of digits we can commit to our long term memory. Therfore, in writing out these numbers, we do it by (XXX)-(aaa)-(bbbb), a set of x’s determining the location of where we are in the world, the area connecting to a number which is also placed on a map by the degrees of longitude and latitude in this world. Those regional places are based off mathematical relations of a sphere, and our relation to one another from the center of this sphere. The “a”‘s then determine our region, or city area, the way the country of county we reside in is divided in. And finally, we have the last four digits which is unique to our specific person. It’s crazy the way we can connect with numbers. Even on a given street, we are unique in our “assigned number.” Not only this, but we are forced to use numbers every day and every moment. We need numbers for the time. We need it for money. We even need it to count how many pieces of paper we have, How many shoes we have, how many pens we have, how many siblings we have…whatever it is. We need numbers. For music. The number of beats in a song is regulated by the number of beats per minute. The notes played out work on the circle of 5ths. Again, based off math. No wonder they say there’s a strong correlation to being able to read music and doing well in math. On the music part, one of the coolest things I heard was here: Absolutely beautifully. And this was all done…based off of numbers. I think that’s one of the greatest things about being at MIT. We learn a lot about how to use these numbers. We know the buildings by their number. We know every course by it’s number. And within those courses, we know the classes by their decimal, allowing us to be able to distinguish an intro class from a higher-level, fast paced course. Not only that…but we all have our ID number’s . 9 numbers unique to us. The same way the government ID’s us with a social security number. And because there are an infinitesimal amount of numbers, we will never be able to grow old of using this language of math. Clearly…God is a genius. He knew how this would play out. He knows the power of numbers. He created a partner for Adam so that there would be a “pair”, and things would be evenâ€"creating even numbers. On bringing the animals unto the ark, he had 2 (evenly), of every unclean animal, and 7 (God’s number) of every clean animal. He marked Satan’s number as 6, always a step below his own. He feeds the five thousand…with two fish and 5 loaves of bread. Both numbers which are multiples of that 5,000â€"which can be broken down into 5000/2 = 2500 *2= 100 *2*(5^2)=2*5*2*5*2*(5^2). I don’t know how powerful it is to you…but I think it’s amazing the way that that number of people he fed, is able to be broken down into numbers comprising of just the 2 [fish] and 5 [loaves]. Even the plagues he hadâ€"10 before it was complete. 10 can be broken down into a multiplication of 2 and 5…which sum themselves to 7, God’s number. Even in the body…we have two eyes. To ears. Two legs. And on our hands and feet, we have five fingers. Five toes. coincidence with the numbers? I think not. Even beyond this, our body is regulated by numbers. If our heart rate goes below a certain rate, we are no longer alive. If our blood pressure is at a certain level…we die. Even our blood concentration, if it’s pH is outside of the range 7.2-7.4…we die. Is it really coincidental that a neutral pH is at 7? Is it just coincident that our whole body, the way it operates, is comprised of a system of trying to keep our body in equilibrium…by regulating rates? The time that goes by. 7 days a week. 5 weekdays. 2 weekend days. Just by chance? Even the 60 seconds in 1 minute = 2*(5-2)*(5*2). God continually says in the bibleâ€"God is love. The chapter on Love, (1 Corinthians 13: 4-7). 1 Corinthians = 7th book of the new testament. 13th chapter =7 + (5-2)*2 = (5+2) + (5-2)*2. Verses 4-7 =4: (2*2), 5: 5, 6: (5-2)*2, 7: (5+2). You tell me…is this all really just random? It’s like…he knew that numbers could connect us. And just as he’s an everlasting God, he knows that the numbers are also everlasting. The planets, he created them to be a connected circle. And a circle….is one everlasting line, with no corners or other segments. That itself is unique. I don’t know how else to say it other than that. It’s amazing. Math as a languageâ€"is amazing. And it’s only another reflection of how amazing God is. I’m in awe. Utmostly, and fully in awe. 3

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