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Sunday, June 2, 2019
What is the effect on the audience of John Proctors decision in act 4? :: English Literature
What is the effect on the listening of John Proctors decision in act 4?How does miller build up tension and drama in this section? How is itstill relevant to a modern audience?This essay is on the main importance of John Proctors decision and howMiller builds up a sense of tension (and also drama) throughout Act 4.I will also mention how relevant the play is in modern day propagation bydiscussing McCarthyism.Firstly, John Proctors decision in this section is quite simple, signthe agreement or not. But it is the way that this section influencesthe audience that is significant, because it gets the audience more thaninvolved. John has several problems with signing the agreement, forexample in signing the agreement he signs his name away, in otherwords he will meet his reputation. We can learn that Proctor valueshis name, and sees it as the only thing he has left, apart fromElizabethI have given you my soul, leave me my nameThis shows us, the audience which Proctor although is shown as a sternman through out the play, in this part he is shown as being emotionaland considers his name as a symbol of self respect. Following on fromthe previous point, humiliation is used well to make us feel sorry forProctor collect to the fact that he is faced with his name and confessionbeing pinned to the church ingress, the example of this is, when ProctorexclaimsGod does not need my name nailed to the church doorThis helps us strengthen our beliefs that Proctor values his name.Proctor also has other reasons to struggle with his decision, mainlybecause the others involved are what we know as saints Rebecca andMartha are precise holy people, who believe that they should never lie,even though the consequences may be as extravagant as death, the twosaints are holding out against the test of Danforth,therefore John takes it into account that although he is not as holyas they are, to keep the faith, he must hold out, but, the audiencegets a appal when John considers the agreeme nt, this gives us anelement of surprise and a will he wont he effect, making us watch evenmore avildly. other(a) influential things that help John make the decision, is the facthe has a family, he has two boys who he does await questions about, notonly does he ask about his two boys, but also he asks about his unbornchild and his wife Elizabeth, who he cares for dearly an example of
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